All instruction is online and video driven.
All classes are self-paced. You may complete your work in a week or several months–whatever works best with your schedule.
All classes are free or modestly priced.
Material costs are included.
The Worship Summit with Kenny Lamm was one of the most complete and practical discussions on Biblical Worship that I have experienced in many years. As a worship leader, I left equipped with tools, quotes, and scriptures in which I could defend the principles of worship that I have been trying to apply within my own congregation. I think representatives from churches of all sizes and musical styles can use the information gleaned here to make more spiritually-focused decisions regarding worship within their local context.
The Worship Leader Boot Camp combines Kenny Lamm’s real-world experience from the trenches of worship leadership with his deep passion to see churches of every worship “style” experience worship renewal. Kenny has years of experience of effectively leading both traditional and contemporary worship styles, and his insights into how to plan and lead with purpose and excellence are invaluable. Where the Worship Leader Boot Camp really shines, however, is for those churches in need of worship unity. If your church desires corporate worship that purposefully engages the totality of your congregation, regardless of your worshiper’s age, musical preference, or ethnicity, let Kenny Lamm show you how.
One of my favorite sections of Kenny’s Worship Leader Handbook is the chapter on the mechanics of worship. In twenty jam-packed pages, he teaches practical ways to plan engaging worship with a purposeful flow. I’ve read many books on worship leadership through the years, and I’ve never seen these concepts taught in such a practical and concise manner. It took me years to discover what he teaches in only a few short pages. Every worship leader should attend his workshop!
I have already spoken and forwarded information to other musicians about the workshop, Excluding the Bible, I think this is the best Worship tool anyone can have in their library. We laughed, we cried and we healed spiritually. I’ll never worship the same again, and I will do it again. It’s about the audience of one, God.
Hundreds of posts to help you renew your church’s worship.